So I haven’t heard from the PC in a month. And yes that is killing me. They said they received my medical paperwork March 1st. Then life happened, which I will explain later, so I was really really anxious to get things moving again and to see if the Peace Corps is even going to happen at all. I emailed the medical office over this past weekend and got a response today. The nurse said that my file was assigned to a nurse to start getting reviewed this week. If I'm missing anything in my file I should hear back in 2-3 weeks. Then I should know if I'm cleared in 6-8 weeks. 6-8 weeks?????? That is like such a long time! But at least I’m in the loop now. I know that something is happening.
She also answered my question about whether or not I can go on to placement without having my wisdom teeth out yet. She said that I could, but definitely try to get it done ASAP. I wish I could just get it done now, but I can’t miss student teaching for that.
So let me tell you about how life happened and everything has been turned upside down.
For those of you who may not know because you live under a rock, schools are seeing budget cuts like crazy. The first programs to go are the music programs. The first teachers to go are the music teachers. This is the worst time for music majors to be graduating because there are no jobs. People are being fired, not hired. So perfect time for me to join the peace corps and wait it out! That’s what I thought. But then I was basically offered a job. WHAT??? After student teaching only 2 and a half days with the high school, the faculty advised me to apply for a maternity leave position, saying that I would be a successful candidate for that position. And did I mention that this is at one of the top high schools in the nation. Do you know what this would do for my career?
I was and still kind of am really confused about what I should be doing right now. I have been so set on the Peace Corps for almost a year now, but this is an option I never even considered. To be honest, I don’t even know what I want to do with the rest of my life. Do I want to teach music? Do I want to perform? Do I want to arrange music? Do I want to teach English? Do I want to live in a box on a street in NYC? I have no idea. The best answer that I have to the “what do you want to do question” is “I want to make my life worth something that I want to be proud of my accomplishments”. I want to leave this world in better shape than when I entered it. I also want to go far in whatever field I enter.
After a lot of thought, I decided that the Peace Corps is my top choice for short term goals. I spent a lot of time watching PC videos and reading blogs this weekend to remind myself of why I applied in the first place. But, there is still the chance that I could get medically deferred, or my departure date could be moved to a much later date, or they can just.. deny me all together. I need to know! If that is the case, then I need to be putting all my efforts into Plan B- which is the HS teaching job. It is crunch time. NOW is decision making time. Help me out here PC.
P.S. Lets discuss Asia in August, shall we? Clearly there is a mystery departure date in August for what country? I dunno. My nomination was for Late July-early August. When the Philippines was put in early July, I just thought it would mean Cambodia, which leaves July 19th. However, I’ve noticed that other people have nominations for Asia in August. No one has an invitation yet though. Where could it be????