Outside the library |
A little over a
year ago, many of you will remember that I started work on a library
development project at the high school. I saw that there was no library at my
school, and even the system for lending out textbooks was disorganized and
flawed. More importantly, I saw that students had nothing to do when teachers
were absent from class. Many students would just leave school out of boredom,
or they would horse around in the classrooms.
finished library |
I proposed the
idea of a library to my school, and to Peace Corps, and after much planning and
budgeting, I proposed it to you- my supportive friends and family in America.
So this blog is to let you know exactly what your money went to, and to thank
you from myself and from my village for your donations.
The librarian Rothavy, updating the inventory list |
The first thing we
did was to organize the collection of old textbooks from the last 40 years. We
got rid of unusable textbooks, and organized the ones still in use. After that
we cleaned out an old classroom being used for a storage room and painted it
with bright welcoming colors. We even painted a big world map outside the
library, which students visit on a daily basis to see how many countries they
can recognize and see who can be the first to find Cambodia.
The Librian's desk |
About 35% of the
funds went to bookshelves. Good strong bookshelves are so important, because
they need to outlast Cambodian elements including rats, snakes, spiders,
leaking roofs during monsoons, termites, dust, mud, and more. We bought sturdy
glass and metal shelves with sliding doors.
Stools for the 7th graders to see |
The rest of the
funds went toward books and office supplies. We also received book donations
from local people and local organizations. We now have well over 1000 books,
covering a wide range of topics in both Khmer and English.
The English, Dictionary, and Khmer History sections |
I spent many weeks
organizing the books in the library, and creating a system that is easy to
follow and easy to sustain after I’m gone. Books are organized by language and
by topic, and placed in sections based on colored stickers.
The sections chart
With the help of
counterparts, we furnished the library with tables, desks, and chairs. I
decorated the walls with library rules, charts, and maps. Then finally, I gave
2 teachers and 10 students helpers training on running the library.
The Library rules in Khmer and English (yes with my baby-ish Khmer writing) |
Now the library is
open 5 days a week, 2 hours each day. On average, about 30-40 students visit
the library each day. The most popular books are the Khmer fiction books and
the English animal books. There is also a borrowing policy. Students in grades
10-12 can get a library card for the year, and can borrow one book for 2 weeks
at a time. Every day an average of 6-8 students borrow a book from the library.
There are 2 librarians, and both work very efficiently 5 hours each a week.
They have told me time and time again how wonderful it is to see Cambodian
students actually enjoying independent reading. They admitted to doubting me
from the beginning, but are thrilled to say how wrong they were.
A Library Card |
I could not be
more proud of the students and the librarians as I completely step back and let
them take over the library. This project has turned out even more successful
than I had dared to hope. This library will be catering to students and
teachers for years to come. Thank you so much to all the people who generously
donated, who trusted in me as a project coordinator, and who cared about these
students on the other side of the world.
The Return Table for students to put their books after reading |
A thank you sign to all the counterparts that helped and continue to help on this project |
English Fiction, and English Geography |
They love the Khmer storybooks |
A very very special thank you goes out to Arlene R., Barbara G., Carol F., Chelsea W., Daniel B., Debra L., Diane C., Donna B., Erica G., James and Betty L., Jess B., Joan P., Joseph B., Kaellen H., Kitty C., Kathryn F., Pamela P., Rene W., and Thomas L.
None of this would have been possible without you.