Thursday, August 11, 2011

3 weeks down. about 112 to go! haha

I bought a USB internet modem, so I have internet at my site now. It works just fine for internet, but I haven’t quite figured out skype yet. I’m usually on every morning around 6, 7, 9, or 10, and every evening around 8. I’m certainly not going to use internet that often, so don’t get used to that. I just wanna get this darn thing figured out. So hop online at those times (those are the American times) if you wanna help me.

Okay, so Peace Corps… Cambodia… we are just completing week three. Which also means that this is the longest I’ve ever been away from home. I’m feeling okay about it. But I just always wanna call or be called or just somehow be in touch with people back home.

Host family is good. Great even. There is never a dull moment at my house.

Like the time when my family was teasing Leeny and saying he wasn’t their son, and they told him to pack his clothes in a bag and go (sounds awful, but it was hilarious).

Or the time where I took out my laptop and had a dance party with my younger siblings. Turns out they love Aretha Franklin, but hate Wagner.

The food is good still. Though I am finally kinda starting to get sick of it. I just want some variety! But there really is none.

I’ve eaten frog 3 times for dinner now.

2 days ago, my dad made French fries for me. Amazing. Then yesterday he brought home a can of Heineken from Vietnam for us to share. If I could speak Khmer, I would know WHY he went to Vietnam for one day.

A typical Khmer meal at my house usually consists of
1.      4 or 5 heaping scoops of rice.
2.      Fried vegetables with chicken, pork, beef, frog, crab, fish, or squid
3.      Soup with vegetables and any of the meats listed above (except frog… I think).
Parts 2 and 3 of the meal are in bowls in the center of the table. You take one or two spoon-fulls of each and you put it on your rice. Bon apetit.

Training is going fairly well. The language is tough because the sounds are so foreign and the grammar is so hard to figure out. But I am improving slowly. It’s hard to imagine a time where I’ll be able to listen to a native speaker and know what they are saying, but I hope that day comes soon.

My friends from college will find it hilarious that not only am I writing lesson plans, but I also have to make a portfolio during Pre Service Training. I am so happy about it…

We had our first “peer teaching” assignment this week on a topic of our choice. So I chose to teach the basics of harmony and chords, and have my “students” sing a I IV I V I IV V I chord progression lol.

Our next peer teaching assignment is on Monday. I have to teach about adjectives and adjective clauses, so I am in the process of writing a lesson plan for that.

In a lot of ways I am assimilating into the culture.
I actually prefer squat toilets over most of the western toilets they have here.
I thoroughly enjoy my bucket bath every day.
I can go to the market on my own and buy things without getting TOO overwhelmed.
My skin is tanning, as pointed out by my older sister lol. She just looked at me and said “you are black. You are more black than yesterday).
I showered with a frog. Whatever.
I can watch awful korean TV shows with Khmer voice-overs without being rude and lol-ing.
I pray for rain.

In other ways I am not at all.
Almost every night I dream about America. And I am so confused when I wake up.
I want chocolate. and candy. and junk food. and pizza. and cereal!
speaking of cereal, i just dont think i will ever get used to having fish soup for breakfast.
i am still culture shocked about coining.
i want to love on the dogs so much and it kills me that they are covered in fleas

Of course I could go on and on forever. It’s only been 3 weeks, but I have a million stories already and a million and one things I have learned. But I’ll just give you this for now. And how about a few more pictures?

omg this dumb picture took 20 minutes to upload. so you only get one picture this time. Its just a street full of motos, as usual, taken from my bus seat from Phnom Penh to Takeo 2 weeks ago. Notice the long sleeve dress shirts on everyone. too hot!

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