Monday, March 19, 2012

We need YOU!! How YOU can help ME help THEM!

This blog is about my two biggest projects at the moment, and how YOU can help!

First, let me tell you about my library.
When I first came to site, my co-teachers gave me the quick layout of the school. They said "here's grade 12, grade 11, etc, the school directors office, and over yonder in that general direction is the library."
Me: Can I see it?
Co-teachers: no.
Me: Why not?
Co-teachers: because it is not ready yet.

About a month later, we were having a 'school clean up day' and I heard that they were moving the location of the library. I offered to help but they wouldn't have it, again saying it wasn't ready.
Finally about a month after that I was given a key to go see the library.
I opened the door to find.... garbage. literally. garbage. Tons of old shredded textbooks in Khmer. They were covered in filth, strewn all over the floor. A closer look showed that they were all useless old editions of textbooks.

I spent hours in the library, often with student helpers, sorting through the old books. We separated the books into subjects. Then I went through I made a "garbage pile" of books that were completely unusable, which was far more than 50% of the books. The rest of the books are readable, but are useless to the school because they are old editions of out-of-date textbooks. I will likely give out many of these old textbooks to students.

That's when I started talking to one of my counterparts (Lina, pictured above) about really developing a library. We found an appropriate room, and discussed our budget. I began filling out the forms, and he began dreaming of what the library would be like once it opened. 

Lina was so excited that he actually began the painting process already! He chose a work day, enlisted a couple student helpers, and set to work. He told me he wanted the library to be yellow. and green. and blue. I was a little nervous... but it turned out great!!

Since then, I have begun painting a giant World Map with the help of my honor society students. Students in Cambodia know very little about geography. Many can’t even point out Cambodia on a map, and when you do show them their country, they are always astounded by how tiny their country is. The map is a great project for my Honors class because it is a volunteer project, and it will coincide with geography research.

Money that I raise through this website will go mostly to books and bookshelves. My counterpart and I hope to have tons of books in both English and Khmer. We want fiction and non-fiction in both languages, as well as some dictionaries and teacher resources. The remainder of the money will go to paint, posters, office supplies, and cleaning supplies. Students and teachers both envision a place where they can go and study or reference books when they have free time during the day. We are all very excited, and we can’t wait to get started pulling it all together!

My second big project is called Create Cambodia. It is a collaborative project, organized by myself and 3 other volunteers, and hopefully joined by even more. Create Cambodia is a 2 day arts festival. Peace Corps Volunteers around the country create art based clubs where students are allowed to express themselves through dance, music, visual arts, fashion, comedies, role-play, or pretty much anything.
Then, in the beginning of May will be the 2-day festival at a beautiful venue near Phnom Penh. We imagine there will be about 160-180 students, plus Khmer counterparts, chaperones, and Peace Corps Volunteers. In addition to performances and galleries by students, we are also inviting professionals to come perform, lead workshops, or set up information booths.
Mostly, the festival is an opportunity for students to get a taste of arts education, as it is completely non-existent in this country. And it is an opportunity to meet and greet professionals, as well as other student from around the country, with whom they will have a lot in common.
I have 2 small groups of students who I hope will be participating. First is my chorus of about 10 students. We have been rehearsing for a little over 2 months. They can sing a few English and Khmer songs together. I also held blind auditions, and will allow 3 of my students to be featured and sing solo pieces. The second group is actually the group of students who did the role play on Womens Rights Day (see previous blog).
Check out our super-official website at
Funds raised for the festival will go mostly to pay for food during the festival and the venue. Funds will also help purchase t-shirts and advertising paraphernalia. Groups of students will be contributing by fundraising for transportation costs. 

Donations to both projects are tax deductible. All the money goes directly to the projects explained. Without your donations, neither project is possible. So I ask that you please consider donating, and spreading the word to anyone you feel might be interested in doing a little good around the world.
Thank you SO MUCH in advance for your support, from myself, and more importantly from the people who will be benefiting from your donations.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Email me at

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