The schools have shut down for about a month here in Cambodia for Khmer New Year. Due to insufficient funds and other such reasons, I was unable to get myself a spot on the trendy trip to Vietnam with the other PCVs.
So, for the most part, I’m chillin’ out here at site. I will go to Takeo for 4 nights to visit my training host family. But other than that, I’ve got a good 3 or 4 weeks of a completely empty schedule. I know what you’re thinking: LUCKY! That sounds AMAZING! And indeed, when I was in America, I would have LOVED to have that. But here, a month long vacation has a different meaning.
Here are things you can do, if you ever join the Peace Corps and are in the same boat as I am:
Read a book
Re-arrange your bedroom furniture
Take a bike ride and visit a place in your village you haven’t yet. (Just make sure you do so before 8AM because it’s the hottest month of the year).
Do more laundry. This time include your bedsheets.
Read 2 more books.
Watch a movie. Something long, like the entire Lord of the Rings series.
Try to take a nap in a hammock.
Make really epic lesson plans for when school does start again.
Study Khmer
Re-arrange your bedroom furniture again because you’re still not satisfied
Check online every hour to see if anyone is online and wants to skype
Listen to every Christian song on your ipod, and call that your way of observing Easter
Write a letter or an email
Update your blog
Stalk your own facebook
Start laying down tracks for your next youtube video
Sweep your ceiling and walls
Practice writing Khmer
Take a bath. At least twice a day.
Buy coffee in a bag. Drink it.
Buy Sugarcane juice in a bag. Drink it.
Read another book.
Wash your mosquito net
Ride your bike 15k for a cup of ice cream. Then ride back.
Watch more movies
Go get a manicure pedicure
Dance alone in your bedroom, preferably after a freshening bath
Take a bucket bath. Don’t towel off. Then sit naked next to a fan.
Study Khmer
Make more lesson plans
Learn Julia Nunes songs on Ukulele
Draw a picture of that special someone, in the most creepy way possible
Watch all of the Miranda Sings videos on youtube
Teach your host family to play Uno
Write another blog post with a list of random thoughts
Get really good at Minesweeper
Respecting the flag. Every morning the students stand in lines on the basketball court. A male and female volunteer lift the flag while the students sing the national anthem. Then there are announcements (which sometimes take more than a half hour) from the administration, and the students disperse to their classes
A giant picture from my host brother's and sister's wedding
The living room
There are 3 extra beds in the living room.
Sparrows eggs. Actually pretty tasty.
A boat on the Mekon in Kampong Cham. Note the rainbow.
The Mekong Hotel in Kampong Cham
this may be my favorite post ever. seriously.
ReplyDeleteand i'm bummed i've now missed you twice in takeo. :( i like having some diana in my life!