Saturday, February 19, 2011

I am a RABSOBAD! (restless applicant being screwed over by a dentist)

I can’t believe I still haven’t handed in my medical forms. Really, I have been done for over a month now, all except for one thing. I need to get cavities filled. My dentist is being extremely uncooperative, and my appointment keeps getting pushed back farther and farther. Now my appointment is for this Tuesday. And I don’t care if he’s ready or not, I am going, even if I have to fill the cavities in myself! I wanted to have these forms in a month ago!
I feel especially pressed for time because I noticed on the Peace Corps Wiki timeline that they started handing out invitations for July and August. I know it will probably be fine and I need to just be patient. However, I would just feel so much better if my file was already in the placement office.
I have a question maybe someone can answer. What is the protocol for wisdom teeth? If my dentist recommends getting my wisdom teeth removed, do I have to do that before I get medically cleared? I hope not!
I am extremely busy these days. I just finished 5 weeks of student teaching. 9 more to go. I am at the elementary school teaching lessons and orchestra. The good news is that I am proving to be pretty successful at this. The bad news is that I’m not enjoying it as much as I had hoped. I think it’s a combination of a bunch of different factors. 1) they are not MY students. 2) I don’t get to teach MY way 3) more than half of the learning time is spent doing classroom management, not making music or teaching skills. I move to the high school in a few weeks, and I really hope I like that better. If not… then I have to rethink my whole life! lol I’ve always been so sure I wanted to be a music teacher. Now I don’t know what my future holds. I just want to make music and make the world a better place.
I am taking 12 credits this semester, can you believe it? I’m doing 4 ensembles including the ukulele ensemble which I was asked to run. I am not complaining, as it was kind of my choice to do all of it. I just got in the mindset that this could be my last couple of months where my time is really dedicated to music making and music learning. Yipes. So I’m trying to do as much as possible without collapsing.
I am still working at the music studio. I currently have just under 25 students. They have NYSSMA, which is a big solo competition coming up. So the parents are desperately trying to fit their kids in for make-up lessons, extra lessons, and extra help in my non-existent free time. I feel bad, but there is really nothing I can do.
And for the Peace Corps, I have some really good news: I ENJOY teaching English! I have started getting my 30+ hours of experience teaching English and it is going extremely well. I feel like I really got the hang of it now. My students are appreciative of my time, but one student, a Mexican man, is SOOO thankful that he wants to take me back to Mexico and show me around haha. So cute. I was afraid that I would be and awful ESL tutor, but that is apparently not so. It just takes A LOT of lesson planning, and some patience in the lesson.
I am also working on campus as a tutor for the Asian immigrant students. I have office hours where they can come work with me. So far they either come to practice conversing in English, to have me help them with a composition, or to get help with reading coprehension. I find that they are very very shy and feel nervous to come and use my office hours. But I have met with a couple of students and hopefully they will spread the word that I don’t bite.
Hopefully by my next blog I will be able to say MEDICAL APPLICATION COMPLETE!


  1. I had a similar problem when I was applying last year. I sent in my medical forms without any of the dental stuff, and just did that later. Medical approval is completely separate from dental. You will probably have to get your wisdom teeth out before you can get dental approval, but you can get medical approval earlier.... and since medical is what takes forever, I say send those forms in NOW. Good luck!

  2. I agree. You'll need to get your wisdom teeth out before you send in the dental forms, or at least have your dentist put a note that the operation will be conducted on such-and-such day.

  3. I waited to send in all my medical forms until I had my wisdom tooth pulled, but my departure date isn't until September and my dentist is on top of things. I found out after that I could have sent in the medical forms earlier (I had them done for a couple weeks). I would recommend what Ellen said. When you see your dentist for the fillings have him give you the required x-rays and have him fill out the forms and say that you will have your wisdom teeth pulled before you leave. My understanding is that you can move on to placement once you have medical clearance and with out dental clearance as long as you have certain dental work scheduled for before you are to leave for service.

  4. Definitely go ahead and send the medical forms in separately! I sent my dental in over a month ago, and got dental clearance, but I haven't sent the medical papers in yet.
